Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What Is A Temporary Way To Hang Things Along A Drop Ceiling

Classrooms often have drop ceilings.

Drop ceilings allow easy access to the piping and wiring above them. They are often found in basements, classrooms and offices. The best way to hang something from this fibrous material is to take advantage of the frames found between each tile. These can support some weight while showing off art and other objects you want to display.


1. Uncoil a wire paperclip so it is straight. Slide the paperclip over the frame that holds the ceiling tiles. Pull the paperclip edges down so that one end is on either side of the frame. Form a hook with the two ends and attach the item you are hanging to the hook.

2. Slide a piece of string or yarn behind the frame so that one end hangs down on either side. Tie the item to the string so it dangles below. This method allows you to hang the item at different lengths with little effort.

3. Weave a piece of string in one of the holes in the ceiling tile and feed it out through a neighboring tile so the ends dangle down. Attach the item to the string. If you have problems weaving the string, you can remove the ceiling tile by pushing it up to dislodge it, turning it at an angle and sliding it out the opening.

4. Press some poster putty up onto the ceiling tiles and attach the item you are hanging to it by pressing it to the putty. You can use putty at several points if you are hanging a wide item.

5. Use plastic drop-ceiling hooks. These hooks are designed for use with drop ceilings and are available at hardware stores. Slide one side behind the drop-ceiling frame and press it over the other side until it snaps in place. The hook will hang down so you can attach items.

Tags: attach item, attach item hanging, ceiling tile, ceiling tiles, drop ceilings, either side, frame that