Friday, August 17, 2012

Diy Design A Dream Bathroom For Your Household

Designing a dream bathroom takes planning and preparation.

When designing a dream bathroom for your household, make sure that you have considered every possible aspect. It may seem like an overwhelming task, because this is more than likely something that you have looked forward to for a while, but in the end it will all be worth it. Take your time when considering each feature, and think about how you will feel about it years down the road, before making the final decision to proceed with building or installing it.


1. Make a list of everything you have ever dreamed of having in your bathroom. If your home is older, consider a separate bathtub and shower instead of the combined one you currently have. Installing a sauna in the bathroom or a double sink instead of a single one is another option to consider. Flooring options, wallpaper or paint, and cabinetry designs need to be decided on. When writing down the list, do not restrict yourself; you can make any needed adjustments later.

2. Decide on a theme for your bathroom. Design it to match the other rooms in the house, or make this a space that is a completely separate haven. There are many themes to consider, such as whether the bathroom should be bright and colorful, natural and rustic, modern and contemporary, minimalistic or classic. The warm colors of Tuscany or the bold colors of an Asia are additional themes to consider.

3. Review your list, compare the items on your list with the theme you have chosen and decide whether everything matches. If being thematically correct is not a concern of yours, combine some items and create your own theme. For instance, build a sauna in the bathroom with an exterior casing that complements your theme, such as a wooden case for a rustic theme or a bronze-framed casing for a luxurious theme.

4. Decide whether or not everything can fit into your bathroom space, or if you are willing to add on to the space you already have. Ultimately, since this is your dream bathroom, building onto the space ensures you have everything you want. Add a sitting area with a separate hot tub and chaise lounge where you can relax and read a book.

Tags: dream bathroom, your bathroom, bathroom your, sauna bathroom, that have, themes consider, whether everything