You can easily install ceiling wallpaper to give your ceiling this woodsy finish.
Award-winning interior designer Patricia Gray says untreated ceilings warrant decoration as "they are one of the largest surfaces in a room and are a perfect opportunity for adding an extra dimension to the room." If you have the right tools and knowledge, there's a number of faux ceiling treatments that you can use to give any room a finishing touch.
Embossed Ceiling Wallpaper
Embossed ceiling wallpaper is a simple and inexpensive way to give your entire room an old-fashioned look. White embossed paper looks like carved plaster, and if applied well, can fool even the most discerning eyes. Colored embossed paper gives the ceiling texture and color. Bear in mind that when putting up ceiling wallpaper, you need to repair any cracks or imperfections in the ceiling first, sand the ceiling and then put up the wallpaper with another person helping you. Two people are absolutely necessary: you need one person to smooth the paper and the other person to hold the rest of the roll in a ready position.
Nature Scenes
Scenes from nature are popular for a kid's room because they give the room a soothing and almost magical feel. You can paint a faux rendition of the sky complete with drifting clouds onto the ceiling of a child's room. You could even paint in the tops of tree branches with leaves and birds to give it a more dynamic quality. For an especially imaginative youngster, you could paint mythical creatures here and there, such as fairies, dragons or winged horses.
Faux Ceiling Beams
Faux ceiling beams are an appropriate way to add instant warmth, character and rusticity to a room. Although, unless you're incredibly handy, you'll need to hire a professional to make and hang them. The first thing that you would do is choose your pattern by consulting a home design book or magazine. You could have a simple pattern, such as beams stretching in rows across your ceiling or have them crisscross like a tic-tac-toe grid. Then you would decide on the color of wood that you would like to have the beams stained. A cherry wood would give the room a warm feeling, whereas darker mahogany stain would give the room a more masculine feel. Lighter honey-colored stains would give the room a more cheerful, sunny feel. Your contractor would then create flat beams of your desired width, stain them and then nail them to your ceiling.
Tags: give room, would give, would give room, your ceiling, ceiling wallpaper, embossed paper,