Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Decorate Ceilings With Silk Banners

Silk banners come in a variety of colors and patterns and can be used to decorate ceilings for weddings and other prestigious ceremonies. They can also be used for everyday home decor. A silk banner can line the ceiling as a way of adding imagery and interest above you, drape from the ceiling as a way of adding elegance or hang from the ceiling to catch the attention of those who pass by.


Flat Against the Ceiling

1. Secure the edge of the silk banner to the ceiling with a staple gun or tacks.

2. Pull it taut and then secure the other side of the silk banner to the ceiling.

3. Line up the next banner and secure it in place using the same method.


4. Measure the length of the silk banner and divide it evenly into sections. For example, if the banner is 20 feet long, mark it every 2 feet.

5. Secure the edge of the silk banner to the ceiling with a staple gun or tacks.

6. Find the marked area of the banner, push it toward the secured edge just enough to allow the fabric to droop.

7. Secure the marked area of the banner to the ceiling with a staple gun or tacks.

8. Find the next marked area and create the second droop. Make sure the size of the drooping matches the first one. Repeat the process until the entire banner is secured.


9. Hold the silk banner lengthwise. Make sure its image or text is right-side-up.

10. Secure the end of it to the ceiling with a staple gun.

11. Tie the center of the hanging banner with rope, allow it to hang freely or pull it taut and use a staple gun to secure it to the carpet. Don't use a staple gun on tile, cement or wood flooring.

Tags: silk banner, banner ceiling, ceiling with, ceiling with staple, with staple, banner ceiling with, marked area