Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Convert To Swag Lamp

Ceiling fixtures sometimes seem to be in the oddest places. If you have one that is slightly off center, or in the corner of the room, why not convert it to a swag lamp and put it where you have always wanted it? If it hangs from a chain, it can be done.


Converting the lamp

1. Purchase a lamp cord replacement kit. Get the one with the longest cord. From the hardware department purchase a ceiling hook and enough lightweight metal decorative chain to hang your lamp where you want it. Check the weight rating to be sure it is sufficient.

2. Remove any unnecessary parts from your hanging light fixture, such as the ceiling bezel--the bowl or plate-shaped shield covering the junction box at the ceiling--and remove anything you don't need to wire the cord or secure the chain to your fixture.

3. Thread the new cord through the chain before attaching to the light fixture. Strip wires if needed and use electrical tape to attach new cord. Add wire nuts to cover the tape and tuck this into the top of the fixture, wrapping it with tape to the base of the chain if necessary. Plug it in for testing. If it works the first time, continue. If you have issues at this stage consult an electrician.

Hanging the lamp

4. Pick a spot for your lamp where the light is most useful. Be sure you have an available wall outlet nearby or extension cord.

5. Using the manufacturer's recommended size bit, drill a hole for the ceiling hook. The hook should slip into the hole and twist tight.

6. Hang your lamp, attaching the chain to the hook. Check the height and placement, and adjust as necessary.

Tags: lamp where, your lamp, your lamp where, ceiling hook, light fixture