Monday, February 1, 2010

Clean A Car Ceiling

Do you need to clean your car ceiling, but you fear that the end result will be you swatting at drooping material as you drive? Cleaning the ceiling of your car can be tricky, but it is doable with a measure of patience and caution. Here are some tips to keep the ceiling as clean as the rest of the car interior.


1. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove dust and soil. Gently brush with short strokes in the same direction as the nap of the fabric.

2. Select a mild or diluted cleaning solution. Carpet or upholstery cleaner is effective for general cleaning and removal of odors. For specific stains, consider using other cleaning agents. Glass cleaner may be used for tobacco stains, and baby wipes can work on small makeup stains. Depending on the stain, there may be other products such as oil and grease removers.

3. Lightly spray cleaning solution onto a dry, clean terry cloth towel. Apply the slightly damp towel to a small inconspicuous part of the ceiling or the specific stain. Again, gently work with short strokes along the nap of the fabric. Do not over-wet the area.

4. With another dry, clean terry cloth towel, pat the area dry. If there is no observable discoloration and the area appears less soiled, continue cleaning in this fashion. For heavily soiled areas, you may need to clean and dry several times before obtaining the desired effect. Continuously replace wet, dirty towels with dry, clean ones.

5. Brush dry fabric along the nap for a finished presentation.

Tags: clean terry, clean terry cloth, cleaning solution, cloth towel, need clean, short strokes, terry cloth