Thursday, March 22, 2012

Paint A Popcorn Ceiling To Ensure It Is Stainresistant

You're going to need to repaint.

Popcorn ceilings, otherwise known as acoustic ceilings, are found throughout homes in the United States. They have a bumpy appearance that resembles popcorn and they were very popular with builders in the 1970s and 1980s. Because of their rough texture, they are not as easy to paint as smooth ceilings. Thus many popcorn ceilings become dingy and stained over time. If you go through the trouble of painting your popcorn ceiling, make sure that you use a stain resistant paint so that the paint job looks good for as long as possible.


1. Touch the existing stains on your ceiling and confirm that they are dry. If your ceiling has water stains from an active leak, painting alone won't fix your problem.

2. Remove all the furniture from the room. Protect the floor by spreading out a drop cloth and protect the walls by masking them with tape and paper. There will be a lot of splatter when you paint your textured ceiling.

3. Paint the ceiling with a stain-blocking white primer. You can pick up stain-blocking primers at any home improvement or paint store. Pour approximately six cups of primer into a paint tray. Dip your roller in the paint to soak it up and roll the roller back and forth a few times on the textured part of the tray until it's no longer dripping. Roll the paint-soaked roller across your ceiling, repeating this process until your entire ceiling is coated with primer. Allow the primer to dry for as long as the packaging directs.

4. Paint the popcorn ceiling with stain-resistant paint. Stain-resistant paint is also available at any hardware or paint shop. It is a good choice for your popcorn ceiling because it is especially easy to wipe down and clean. Paint the ceiling the same way you applied the primer. Allow the paint to dry as long as the packaging directs.

5. Spray the popcorn ceiling with a coat of KILZ UpShot. KILZ UpShot is a stain blocker manufactured specifically for use on popcorn and textured ceilings. You can buy it at any home improvement or paint store, or even online. KILZ comes in a special can that sprays directly upwards so it's very easy to apply to your ceiling. Allow the stain blocker to dry for as long as directed on the package and move your furniture back into the room.

Tags: your ceiling, ceiling with, popcorn ceiling, home improvement, home improvement paint