Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Decorate A Living Room Without Windows

Windows add light to a room, increase visibility and create the illusion of extra space. Decorating a living room that lacks windows can present quite a challenge for a homeowner. If you have a living room with no windows, there are ways to decorate it that will detract from the lack of sunlight and dispel any feelings of claustrophobia that can sometimes occur without a direct link to the outside. Your goal should be to detract from the lack of natural light and direct the focus of the room to where it belongs--on your décor.


1. Opt for plenty of lighting. Keeping the room well lit will detract from its lack of windows. Darker places automatically give the illusion of being smaller, but an adequate amount of light prevents this from occurring. In addition, recessed lighting and decorative floor lamps fit well with almost any decorating theme.

2. Hang a window-shaped mirror frame. A mirror frame shaped like a window is not only an interesting way to decorate, but it also serves the purpose of reflecting any available light. This makes the room appear larger and more open.

3. Choose a focal point for the living room. Arrange your furniture to face toward the focal point. Decorate more liberally in this area than any other area of the room. The goal is to draw attention toward the focal point and away from the lack of a window.

4. Use artwork to add extra color to walls and enhance the theme of your décor. Make the most of empty walls by using the available space for paintings, wall hangings or even a mural.

5. Include several brightly colored pieces in your decorating. Colorful throw pillows, candles or rugs prevent a room devoid of natural light from appearing dull.

6. Install a ventless fireplace in your living room if a fireplace is not already available. A fireplace adds warmth and character to a room while giving the area a comfortable feel. No one will notice the room's lack of a window if his attention is immediately drawn to a cozy, roaring fire.

7. Incorporate plenty of greenery in your decorating scheme. Plants add life to a room and give it a sense of depth and intimacy. In addition, plants can prevent a living room without windows from feeling stuffy.

8. Use different colors in different areas. Using colors in groups causes the eye to travel around the room and settle on the color scheme rather than empty walls.

Tags: from lack, living room, detract from, detract from lack, focal point, empty walls