Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Is Acoustical Caulk

Acoustial caulks are used to seal soundproof rooms.

When a room is soundproofed, builders create sound barriers using specialized materials that easily absorb sound or redirect it toward proper areas. This keeps sound generated in the room from exiting, or gives normal walls acoustical properties so that sound bounces off instead of being absorbed into the wall itself. In soundproofed areas, outside noises are also absorbed, keeping the room quiet, which is ideal for recording studios and similar establishments. Acoustical caulk is a product used in the creation of these rooms.


Acoustical caulk is a sealant that looks like normal caulk but is designed specifically for soundproofing a room or sealing soundproofing materials. It is also known as an acoustical sealant, and it is placed along door jambs, wall panels, floor panels, heating and cooling ducts and anywhere sound can leak through or where the sound seal may not be permanent or sufficient.


The primary difference between normal caulk and acoustical caulk is that normal caulk is designed to harden and bond to materials, while acoustical caulk is designed to remain soft and pliable. When caulk hardens, it can create small cracks along the surface of an acoustic panel, which can cause sound leaks. Softer caulks, however, will absorb the sound instead.


Acoustical compounds can vary in composition. Many acoustical compounds are made from silicone components, but they do not qualify as silicone gels, which are a separate type of caulk used in waterproofing. While there is usually a silicone base in acoustical caulk, another active ingredient is included, such as ethylene glycol.


Acoustical caulk is usually purchased in tubes, from which it can be squeezed like other caulks, placed in lines along the edges of materials and allowed to cure. However, these caulks should not be used outside. Acoustical caulks are made of less durable materials than other caulks and cannot stand up to outdoor conditions.

Materials Used With Caulk

Acoustical caulks can be used with any materials, but they are designed to work best with certain soundproofing materials. Vinyl materials can be used to advantage with acoustical caulk, as can gypsum wallboard, which is a popular material for soundproofing buildings. The caulk can also be used with treated or untreated wood.

Tags: caulk designed, normal caulk, absorb sound, Acoustical caulk, acoustical caulk, acoustical caulk