Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Decorate A Living Room With Wallpaper

Wallpaper may be an acquired taste, but it's also a powerful design element that adds instant personality to any room. From vibrant patterns to simple pastels, wallpaper comes in a wide variety of styles. Learn more about making your living room walls talk though wallpaper by reading the information below.


1. Evaluate your living room space. Consider the size, layout and overall style of the room. Depending on the year your house was built and its unique architecture, determine what style characterizes your home. From Colonial to Craftsman, decide what style you wish to develop through the incorporation of wallpaper. Also take into consideration your existing furnishings and what style they convey.

2. Research the architecture of your home. Familiarize yourself with the furnishings and decor details that define the time period. Figure out what type of wallpaper would be a good fit. An abstract pattern conveys a modern feel while a floral print creates a cottage feel. Certain graphics and patterns reflect different eras in home decor, so do your homework to create consistency. To make a bold statement, pay no attention to such principals. You may wish to take an unconventional approach and select a wallpaper based solely on its originality.

3. Think about the size of the room. Different colors, patterns and textures have different impacts on a room. To open up the space, opt for light colors and subtle patterns. For a bigger space, go for bold prints rich in texture and color. Regardless of the size of the space, make sure the wallpaper adds visual interest to the room. The living room is a shared space in the house and the most often used for entertaining. Keep this in mind when making your selection.

4. Prep the walls. Remove any nails and smooth out uneven surfaces. Spackle visible holes and let dry. Take a mild cleaning solution to the walls to remove dust, dirt and other residue. You may want to use a primer or other treatment that will help the wallpaper to better adhere.

5. Hang your wallpaper. Start hanging to the right of a door or window or an inconspicuous corner to disguise a break in pattern.

Tags: living room, what style, making your, your home, your living, your living room