Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Install Stickon Ceiling Tiles

Ceiling tiles can come in many different types including a stick-on type that can be installed directly to a ceiling. Installing stick-on tile to a ceiling requires measuring the dimensions of the ceiling to determine the amount of tile that will be needed to finish the job. Stick-on tile is an easy and cheap solution to updating the look of a room. Installing stick-on ceiling tile can be done by following a few steps to complete the project.


1. Make sure the ceiling surface is smooth and clean. Stick-on tile will not adhere to a ceiling if there is any type of dirt or debris.

2. Start from the center and work your way outward. Use a tape measure find the center point of the ceiling. Make a mark on the ceiling with a pencil where the first tile is going to be placed.

3. Remove the wax paper from the back of the tile and place the first piece on the ceiling. Apply a little pressure to the tile to make sure it has completely adhered to the ceiling.

4. Add additional tiles, moving outward from the center. Place each tile so that it is exactly even or square with the other tiles.

5. Cut individual pieces of tile to fit around a light fixture. Use a pencil to mark the where it needs to be cut to fit properly. Make a mark on the wax paper side of the tile because that is the side that needs to be cut

6. Carefully cut the wax side of the tile using a utility knife. Cutting the wax side of the tile will prevent fraying and scratches from appearing on the tile surface. Make more than one pass with the knife to make sure the tile has been cut thoroughly.

7. Cut tiles to fit when you reach a wall. Unless a ceiling measures even from one side to another, the tile will not fit when reaching a wall and will need to be cut to size. Measure the width of tile that will be needed and cut the tile to fit evenly.

Tags: side tile, tile that, tile will, from center, Installing stick-on, Make mark, make sure