Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Decorate A Small Living Room With Two Windows

Decorating a small room can be a challenge.

A small living room with two windows presents a unique decorating challenge. A small space can quickly go from cozy to cramped with the addition of too many furniture pieces or the use of the wrong color on the walls. In order to tackle this design challenge, a few basic design principles should be used. By following these principles, the room can be transformed into a welcoming and inviting space despite its small size.


1. Remove everything from the room, including all furniture pieces, paintings, decor objects, tables and window coverings. This will provide you with a blank canvas of sorts to build on as you design your room.

2. Paint the ceiling. For a crisp look, choose a white color with a flat finish for your ceilings. For a warmer feel, choose a light ivory or vanilla. Dark ceilings can visually compress a ceiling, whereas a light color will open the space up and make it feel taller than it is.

3. Paint the walls. A light colored paint should be used in any small room. Dark colors tend to make a space feel much smaller. Stay within your color group, using your ceiling as a guide. If you chose white, you can select pastels, or light versions of primary colors. For the ivory ceiling, stick with light colored neutrals. If you do want to have a bold color statement in the room, limit it to an accent wall to avoid closing in the space.

4. Hang sheer window coverings. Heavy and dark fabrics can also make the room feel smaller, but sheer ones can let in plenty of light. If you prefer a little more privacy, you can also install a shade inside the window wells that can be pulled up during the day to let light in.

5. Arrange the furniture. Use only precisely as much furniture as you need to keep the room from feeling crowded. Because it's a small living room with two windows, you'll need to decide if you want the main fixture of the room -- the couch -- arranged in front of the windows so that you can look out, or centered below the windows. Keep in mind that direct sunlight can fade the fabric on your couch. Once the couch is placed, arrange tables or chairs around it to create a conversation area.

6. Hang a mirror across from the windows. By placing the mirror across from your windows, you are taking advantage of light reflection and in turn, making the room feel larger.

Tags: across from, challenge small, furniture pieces, light colored, living room with, mirror across, mirror across from