Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Protect A Tin Ceiling

Many people install decorative tin ceilings in home and businesses because of the beauty and elegance that embossed tin brings to rooms. A person can purchase tin pieces to complete tin ceilings in prefinished or unfinished metal. Although prefinished tin ceilings don't require additional protection beyond manufacturer applied coatings, unfinished tin ceilings are susceptible to moisture and can rust easily. As a result, you must apply at least two coats of a polyurethane/lacquer or paint to your tin ceiling to protect it.


1. Prepare your unfinished tin ceiling pieces---cornices, mouldings, fillers and plates---before installation by cleaning dirt and oils from the back of the pieces with mineral spirits. After cleaning, apply an oil-based primer to the back to protect against moisture. If you're dealing with a newly installed ceiling, skip this step.

2. Clean your installed ceiling with mineral spirits or another type of paint thinner to remove oils and dirt. If you see any rough spots or rust, rub the spots with fine-grade steel wool.

3. Select a type of sealant---clear polyurethane/clear lacquer or paint---to apply to your ceiling to protect it from moisture. If applying polyurethane/lacquer, go to Step 4. If applying paint, go to Step 5.

4. Lay down plastic dropcloths to protect your floors and then apply two coats of polyurethane or clear lacquer to the ceiling, including the nail heads, following the application instructions outlined on your polyurethane product. Typically, this involves brushing on one coat and then waiting four hours before applying the second coat.

5. Apply an oil-based primer to the entire surface of the ceiling---every functional and decorative detail.

6. Coat the ceiling with your oil-based paint. Follow the between-coat drying instructions provided with your paint and then apply a second coat.

Tags: ceiling protect, ceiling with, clear lacquer, coats polyurethane, installed ceiling