Friday, August 27, 2010

Paint Dark Paneling Walls

Use a shellac primer on walls with dark paneling.

Dark-paneled walls are finished with stain. Because stain is oil-based, it cannot bond with latex paint. If you apply latex paint over the top of dark paneling, the existing oil base will reject the water-based topcoat. This will lead to bubbling and peeling. If you want paint to bond with your dark-paneled walls, apply a stain-blocking shellac primer base coat. Not only will this create a surface that will bond with water-based latex, it will promote greater coverage.



1. Dust the paneling, using a broom.

2. Wipe the dark paneling walls with mineral spirits, using rags. This will remove dust particles that would prevent the primer from adhering. Wait an hour for the spirits to evaporate.

3. Spread canvas dropcloths underneath the paneling. Protect those surfaces next to the walls, using painter's tape.


4. Coat the dark-paneled walls with shellac primer, using a roller. Roll vertically, working left to right. Use a polyester brush to prime skipped areas within the paneling. Let the paneled walls dry for two hours.

5. Dispose of the nap cover. Wash the frame and brush, using alcohol.

6. Paint the paneled walls as you primed them. Add two coats of satin or semi-gloss latex paint, waiting two hours between each.

Tags: bond with, latex paint, shellac primer, walls with, dark paneling, dark-paneled walls, paneled walls