Monday, August 30, 2010

Use Paint Texture To Cover Wall Paneling

Wood paneling on walls can add warmth to a home as well as a unique texture to a wall; however, this wall treatment tends to be permanent as well as time consuming. Removing paneling requires a lot of effort involving the removal of baseboards and woodwork. In addition, some panels cover completely unfinished walls that would require drywall, taping and primering before applying paint texture. It's possible, however, to use textured paint to create a new look on your existing paneling.


1. Tack down any protruding nails along the length of every piece of paneling. Replace bent nails with new if necessary. Remove all switch plates and outlet covers.

2. Cover floor surfaces with drop cloths after removing any furniture that can be damaged. Cover remaining furniture. Tape off the length of all baseboards to protect the wood from being textured. You can remove the tape and repaint the baseboards after texturing the paneling.

3. Mix water and grease-cutting detergent in a bucket. Sponge the entire paneling surface to remove dust and grease to allow for smooth application of primer. Dry the surface completely with paper towels.

4. Apply caulk or putty to the vertical grooves, seams, holes and creases in the paneling using a trowel or putty knife. Allow the putty to dry completely (about 1 day) and sand smooth using a palm sander or sandpaper. Complete this step only if you're aiming for a completely smooth wall. Applying textured paint over paneling creates a very unique look even when allowing the vertical grooves to remain.

5. Sand the surface of the paneling to rough up the surface to accept paint. Some paneling has a shiny surface so this preparatory step is important for creating a long-lasting finish. Wipe off any dust with a damp paper towel.

6. Cut in corners and near baseboards with your paintbrush and primer paint. If you've chosen to retain grooves, you might need to paint these with the paintbrush as well. Roll the walls and allow to dry completely for about 2 to 3 hours. Primer will prepare the wall for paint, allowing future coats of paint to bond with the paneling surface. Primer also helps cover even the darkest color of wood paneling.

7. Prepare your paints by opening and stirring cans of paint. Most textured wall projects require both a base color and a top color. Roll your base color onto the paneling surface, cutting into corners and along edges as needed. You might need two coats of paint to prevent the paneling color from coming through the paint.

8. Allow your background color to dry for 2 to 3 hours. Prepare your brushes, textured roller, rags or sponges. Applying a texture on top of an exciting color requires some experimentation so begin in a less obvious area of the room. Pour paint into a paint tray and dip your rag, sponge or brush into the top color paint. Dab it onto the wall in your preferred pattern. Use a paper plate to hold a small amount of paint to help control paint application.

9. Pull the painter's tape off the baseboards and woodwork when the project is finished. Paint your woodwork carefully in a complementary color.

Tags: paneling surface, base color, baseboards woodwork, coats paint, completely about