Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bathroom Lighting Guide

Recessed lights provide both task and ambient light.

Successful bathroom lighting allows bathrooms to be practical, fully functional rooms as well as relaxing and pampering spaces. Having a quick shower, applying makeup and relaxing in the tub all require different types and levels of lighting. While some of this is provided by natural light through the window, light fittings that produce ambient, task and accent lighting are also necessary.


Ambient lighting provides the overall lighting in the bathroom and comes from all directions. These are the lights that you switch on when you enter the room to see and walk about safely. A common source of ambient light is a central light fitting on the ceiling or on the wall. In bathrooms, sealed light fittings protect the components from moisture. For bathrooms with high ceilings, a chandelier adds decor interest as well as sufficient light for most bathrooms tasks. Incorporating a dimmer switch allows the bathroom user to control the level of light, perhaps lowering it when having a relaxing bath. Large windows bring natural ambient light into the bathroom.


Task lighting is focused on one area in which people need a strong, localized and direct light. In a bathroom, this is usually the vanity and mirror. Task lights should illuminate the mirror without casting shadows. Many bathrooms a have a strip of lights above the mirror and sometimes down its sides, allowing enough light for several people to use the mirror at once. Another option for lighting for tasks such as shaving and applying makeup is a pull-out magnifying mirror with a surrounding light incorporated in the unit. For small bathroom mirrors, wall-mounted or pendant lights hung at each side provide sufficient light.


Accent lighting provides a low level of light that may highlight particular features in the bathroom, such as tile work or decorative art. Accent light also creates drama and atmosphere in the bathroom, as well as gently illuminating dark corners. Table lamps and wall sconces provide accent lighting, as do candles, temporarily.

Light Fittings

Two or three light fittings can provide all three types of bathroom lighting. A dimmer switch on the vanity task lighting reduces the lighting level to that of ambient light. Semi-opaque drapes across the window with soften the natural light entering. The quality and color of light varies with the type of light bulbs used. Incandescent bulbs produce a steady warm glow and last up to 1,000 hours. For ambient or accent lighting, incandescent bulbs in soft white or pale pink slightly enhance the warmth of the color in the bathroom. Halogen lights produce a white light that is a close approximation to daylight. These are best used in task lighting for shaving or applying makeup that will be seen outside in daylight. Fluorescent lightbulbs are energy efficient and provide a yellow-toned light. These bulbs are rarely used in home bathrooms.

Tags: ambient light, accent lighting, applying makeup, light fittings, dimmer switch, level light, light that