Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Define Wall Cladding

Wall cladding both decorates and weatherizes home exteriors.

Improve the appearance and insulation value of any building with wall cladding. Wall cladding is a non-structural covering installed over structural surfaces. It is composed of a variety of building materials and made to tolerate extreme weather conditions. While builders predominantly install wall cladding on exterior surfaces of buildings and structures, also use it to improve any interior surface.


Wall cladding is easy to install over all existing surfaces, including weatherboard; an entire home can be completed in under a week. Wall cladding hides imperfections in a structure's finish and works well as an insulator with existing wall and roof insulation. It also serves as a noise insulator and, if installed properly, resists termites, moisture and fire. Wall cladding lasts a long time with minimal maintenance; most cladding comes with lifetime warranties of up to 50 years.


Wall cladding can be made from vinyl, aluminum, steel, fiber cement, brick, stone, timber and weatherboard, among other materials, each with their own advantages and drawbacks. Vinyl, for example, is one of the easiest to maintain. Timber, on the other hand, is one of the most popular for its visual appeal, but is also difficult to maintain. Stone provides both visual appeal and strong insulation, but is costly. Fiber cement, while plainer, is also a strong insulator and more cost-effective.


Choosing wall cladding depends on factors of appearance, strength and durability, weather-resistance, insulation value, maintenance and cost. All types of wall cladding give buildings a different look. Personal taste and style of the home and neighborhood help determine the appropriate types to use. Resistance to wind, water and snow may be a factor as well as resistance to physical, mechanical damage and load-bearing properties. Differences in cost and the amount of cleaning and maintenance you're willing to perform may help narrow the selection further.


While homeowners can install certain types of wall cladding, such as vinyl, on their own, most wall cladding should be installed by the manufacturer itself or a company to which they contract out the job. That way you get all the protections outlined in the warranty. Also hire a bonded and insured carpenter to install wall cladding and still receive protections from faulty work. Whoever installs your wall cladding should provide a free measurement, time estimate and quote, as well as make themselves available for questions and to help you choose the best cladding for your circumstances.

Decorative Interior Cladding

One other type of wall cladding not used for weather protection or insulation value is decorative cladding used to add texture, color and decoration to a building's interior. For example, this may come in the form of a solid brick, marble or mosaic wall or an ornate cornice sculpted from plaster or cement.

Tags: wall cladding, insulation value, Wall cladding, wall cladding, cladding should