Friday, August 19, 2011

Replace Ceiling Lighting In A High Ceiling

Replace Ceiling Lighting in a High Ceiling

Replacing a ceiling light is a basic enough task that most homeowners should be able to perform themselves. Even on high ceilings, it's pretty simple. Just stay relaxed and extra careful when using a ladder and shut off the electricity where you'll be working. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 1 watt of incandescent light for each square foot in the living room or bedroom and twice that amount for a kitchen or workshop. With fluorescent lights, figure about 1/3 watt per square foot in the living room and 1/2 watt per square foot in kitchens.


1. Shut off the power to the fixture's circuit. Set up the ladder where the ceiling fixture is located and remove the screws that hold the fixture to the ceiling. Use an inductive voltage detector to double-check that the power is shut down. Disconnect the fixture wires and remove the old fixture and mounting strap.

2. Attach the new metal mounting strap across the outlet box with the screws provided. If there is a ground wire in the box, attach it to the grounding screw on the strap.

3. Connect the new fixture to the wires by wrapping the ends of the wires clockwise beneath the terminal screws (black wire to brass-colored screw, white wire to silver-colored screw), or by joining them to the leads of the new fixture with wire connectors.

4. Fold the wires into the outlet box and fasten the new fixture to the mounting strap with the screws.

5. Install the bulb and attach the lighting cover or globe. Restore the power that was shut off and test the lighting by operating it. Step down from the ladder carefully.

Tags: mounting strap, square foot, Ceiling Lighting, Ceiling Lighting High, fixture mounting, fixture mounting strap, fixture wires