Thursday, September 1, 2011

Install Nomiter Crown Molding

Crown molding is a great way to dress up any room. Moldings come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs. The most challenging part of installing crown molding is trying to get the corners properly mitered for a perfectly finished look. Amateur carpenters can find help by using no-miter crown molding. This can be done in a few simple and easy ways.


1. Choose the type and size of crown molding to fit the style of your room. Higher ceilings and more formal rooms need more ornate crown molding, while more casual rooms with standard size ceilings require something a little more subtle.

2. Pick precut crown molding corners that match the size and style of your crown. These are usually located in bins near the crown molding at your local home supply store. They come in a variety of sizes, styles and designs to match you crown molding choice.

3. Buy enough precut corners for each inside and outside corner you'll need.

4. Prime all corners and molding before installation or purchase pre-primed pieces. This is a great time and money saver.

5. Install your precut corners before installing your molding. This will help you get your molding measured properly before hanging. Use nails that will easily reach from the front side of the molding into the wall at an angel. Molding isn't heavy, so you shouldn't need wall anchors or other types of heavy duty installation techniques.

6. Measure your molding to fit snuggly between your precut corners and cut the edges straight. Since they will be flush against the precut corners, there's no need to worry about cutting on an angle.

7. Tap the molding into place before nailing with a rubber mallet if your fit is snug. Use a little painter's caulk to fill any small gaps that might be left between the molding and the precut corner.

Tags: crown molding, precut corners, your molding, come variety, crown molding