Thursday, September 29, 2011

Install Wiring For Ceiling Fans

The most basic part of putting in a new ceiling fan is installing the wires in the ceiling with the wires of the fan. After you've connected the ceiling fan bracket to the wooden slat in the ceiling and made sure it's secure, the next step is to connect the wires. Ceiling fans come with their own wiring, so you won't have to buy anything else to finish the project.


Instructions for Neutral Wire

1. Turn off the breaker switch that feeds power to your ceiling fan circuit.

2. Look for the white wire, which is the neutral ground, coming from the ceiling fan and the white wire coming out of the ceiling.

3. Cut the white wire from the ceiling fan down to a size that will easily connect with the white wire from the ceiling fan, using the wire cutters.

4. Pull off the white covering over the white wire from the ceiling fan using the wire cutters. Gently clamp the wire with the wire cutters and twist in a circle, pulling upward when the wire cover is detached.

5. Twist the wire nut off the white wire in the ceiling.

6. Lay the white wire from the ceiling against the white wire from the ceiling fan so that the copper ends are touching.

7. Twist the wire nut over the two wires. The threads in the wire nut will twist the copper ends together, creating a secure circuit.

Instructions for Active Wires

8. Look for the black wire coming from the ceiling.

9. Cut the insulation off the ends of the black and blue wires that come from the ceiling fan.

10. Twist the metal ends of the black and blue wires from the ceiling fan together.

11. Lay the end of the black wire from the ceiling against the ends of the twisted-together black and blue insulated wires from the ceiling fan.

12. Twist the wire nut over all three of these wires in order to twist them securely to each other.

Tags: from ceiling, white wire, wire from, wire from ceiling, white wire from