Thursday, February 28, 2013

Use A Texture Spray Gun & What Mixture Ratio To Use

Textured ceilings are very common in modern home decor.

Texture spray guns are used to paint or apply a texture to walls, floors and ceilings. The most common form of texture spraying is popcorn-textured ceiling paint. The texture spray gun hooks up to an air compressor to propel air forcing the textured paint onto a surface. Mix 5.7 liters of water per 25 pounds of texture material. The texture paint should have the consistency of a paste. Water may be added to thin the texture paint as needed.


1. Pour the texture material into an empty paint bucket. Pour in 5.7 liters of water for every 25 pounds of texture material. Thoroughly mix the spray texture until it has the consistency of a paste.

2. Attach the hose of the compressor to the nozzle on the texture spray gun. Pull the nozzle back and hold it to release the lock on the nozzle. Insert the hose on to the nozzle and release the nozzle securing the hose.

3. Pour the spray texture mixture into the tank located on top of the texture spray gun.

4. Turn on the power switch to the air compressor. This will allow the air pressure to force the texture spray through the nozzle of the gun.

5. Squeeze the trigger with your hand to extract the texture spray from the gun. Stand two to four feet away from the surface you are spraying to prevent any excess build-up in one spot. Slowly move your arm back and forth evenly spreading the texture on the surface until the whole surface is covered.

Tags: texture material, consistency paste, liters water, pounds texture, pounds texture material, spray texture, texture paint