Friday, February 13, 2009

Repaint An Old Brass Chandelier

Dress up an old brass chandelier with a little spray paint.

Turn a flea-market find into an envied lighting fixture in your home. Old brass chandeliers don't have to be junk or take up space in your garage. Give your brass chandelier an update by spray painting it in your favorite color. A red or green chandelier makes a funky addition to a kitchen, while a royal blue or purple brings a little of Paris into a bedroom. Be creative. Look through design magazines to get an idea of how you can use chandelier color in your living areas.


1. Lay out a tarp in an outdoor space with lots of air circulating.

2. Unscrew the bulbs from the chandelier. Wrap up all the exposed wires and the open parts of the chandelier with painter's tape.

3. Put on a pair of goggles and a mask that covers your nose and mouth.

4. Shake up the spray paint for about one minute.

5. Spray the exposed brass with gentle, light coats of paint. Allow your first coat to dry.

6. Spray on a second coat. Allow the paint to dry.

Tags: chandelier with, spray paint