Friday, March 19, 2010

Mix Traditional & Contemporary Furnishings

Contemporary table and chairs

The idea of mixing traditional and contemporary furnishings may seem to be against the "rules" of interior design, but in actual fact, with a little time, effort and creativity, the process can create a home that is both stylish and comfortable. It can be an ideal way to show your own personal style, rather than adhere rigidly to only one particular look. If you appreciate the workmanship and history associated with traditional furnishings but are also drawn to more modern pieces, try combining the two.


1. Decorate your walls with paint or wallpaper. Apply a neutral wall color, such as white, cream, beige or gray, if you want a base that will not date and will complement all other colors as well as both traditional and contemporary furnishings. Paint your walls a more vibrant color, like orange, fuchsia or turquoise, if your style is predominantly contemporary. Paint them in a classic shade, for example chocolate brown, burgundy or lilac, if you are more inclined toward a traditional look.

2. Design a space that is predominantly traditional or predominantly contemporary. You may prefer a classical room with some modern features, or a contemporary space with antique accents. Allow one style to dominate, to avoid creating a mishmash of styles that conflict with, rather than complement, each other. Make your main style the one you favor; for example, you may be drawn to the sleek lines of contemporary furniture, or the rich textures of traditional fabrics. Read interior design magazines for inspiration.

3. Focus on either harmony or contrast; that is, create a space that is calming and peaceful or vibrant and exciting. To achieve a harmonious effect, choose furnishings that are similar in either material, color or shape, such as a traditional table with contemporary chairs in the same wood finish. For an eclectic look, place contrasting items together; for example, a traditional sofa with colored metal and glass occasional tables.

4. Add light fixtures and accessories to complete your look and achieve the exact effect you are aiming for. Install a chandelier in a modern design for a contemporary twist on a traditional light. Soft velvet drapes and area rugs in rich colors add traditional comfort to a primarily contemporary room.

Tags: contemporary furnishings, interior design, predominantly contemporary, rather than, space that, your walls