Friday, June 11, 2010

Tips On Painting Drop Ceilings

Drop ceilings, also known as suspended ceilings, often get a bad rap for being unattractive and utilitarian. As a result, many homeowners try to spruce up their drop ceiling by painting it. However, because drop ceilings are composed of individual tiles, the job can be difficult and time-consuming. If you keep some basic tips in mind, though, you should wind up with a finished product that adds to the look of your room.

Paint the Ceiling in Place

In most cases, it is easiest to paint a drop ceiling after it has been installed. Painting the ceiling once it is in place allows you to cover the tiles and the grid at the same time. Rollers are typically preferred for painting a drop ceiling that is already installed. Two coats should be applied, with a 24-hour drying period between the coats.

Use Spray for Loose Tiles

In some drop ceilings, the tiles are too loose to be painted with a roller. The pressure needed to cover the tiles with this type of application may knock them loose and cause a mess. If you still want to paint your drop ceiling while it is in place, spray paint works well. Spraying the ceiling allows you to paint both the tiles and the gridwork without worrying about knocking the tiles loose.

Paint Tiles Before Installing for a Contrast with the Grid

Some homeowners do not want the tiles in their drop ceiling and gridwork to be the same color. They may prefer the contrasting look of white or metal gridwork with darker tiles. If you prefer this look for your drop ceiling, paint the tiles before you install them or pull them down to paint them separately. Lay the tiles on a dropcloth and you can easily use a roller to paint them quickly. This method also allows you to paint the tile varying colors, so you can create different patterns, such as a checkerboard.

Spot Paint Stains

The tiles in a drop ceiling may develop stains over time, including water marks from leaks. Instead of repainting the entire ceiling, pull out the damaged tiles and paint over the stains. If you have left your drop ceiling basic white, try to match the color as closely as you can. Match the finish as well. Most drop ceiling tiles have a flat finish, so flat latex paint is usually your best option. For tiles that have a slight sheen, a shellac primer may serve as both primer and finish for your stained tiles.

Tags: drop ceiling, your drop, your drop ceiling, allows paint, cover tiles, drop ceilings