Sunday, February 20, 2011

Remove Wood Paneling Adhesive

Use a putty knife or a paint scraper to remove adhesive.

Wood paneling is used to hide plaster or concrete block walls. Construction workers attach the paneling to the wall with nails, screws and wood paneling adhesive. This adhesive is tough and water-resistant, which makes it tricky to remove with regular adhesive removal products such as WD-40 or gentle solvents. Instead, use heat and a tough adhesive removal product. Be aware that tough adhesive removal products are toxic and may cause irritation to your eyes and skin.


1. Put on gloves and goggles to prevent your eyes and skin from becoming irritated.

2. Turn your hair dryer to high heat.

3. Concentrate the hair dryer over the wall paneling adhesive residue on the wall. Do this until the adhesive begins to peel away from the wall.

4. Gently scrape the adhesive off the wall with a putty knife. Be careful not to scratch the wall.

5. Continue heating and scraping until you've removed all of the adhesive from the wall.

6. Apply adhesive remover paste to a clean cloth if some of the adhesive is still on the wall. Use tough adhesive remover that markets its ability to work on wood paneling adhesive.

7. Let the adhesive remover sit on the adhesive for a few minutes according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

8. Gently scrape off the adhesive.

9. Wipe the walls down with a cloth soaked in clear water.

Tags: adhesive removal, adhesive remover, paneling adhesive, tough adhesive, adhesive removal products, eyes skin, from wall