Friday, July 20, 2012

Calculate A Ceiling Grid

Suspended, drop or grid ceilings are made with a metal framework in which square or rectangular ceiling tiles are placed to form a ceiling. A professional-looking installation is one where the grid and tiles are balanced from end to end and side to side, meaning the tiles at the front and back are the same size, and the left and right sides are the same size. Calculating these tile sizes and making adjustments to the grid create a balanced installation.


1. Measure the length and width of the room using the tape measure and record the measurements on paper. Measure width parallel to the ceiling joists and measure the length perpendicular to the ceiling joists. The room we will use in our example is 15.75-feet wide and 27.25 feet long. Our tiles will be common 2-by-2 feet square tiles.

2. Calculate the width of the side wall tiles. Divide room width by tile width and round down. Multiply the result by tile width and subtract the result from room width. Divide the remainder by 2 to obtain the cut tile width on either side of the room .

Example: 15.5 feet / 2 feet = 7.75; round it down, and you get 7. 7 x 2 = 14 feet. 15.5 - 14 = 1.5 feet. 1.5 feet / 2 = .75 feet or 9-inch tile on the left and right sides of the room.

3. Calculate the length of the end wall tiles. Divide room length by tile length and round down. Multiply the result by tile length and subtract from room length. Divide the remainder by 2 to obtain the cut tile length on either end of the room. Example: 27.25 feet / 2 = 13.625; round down equals 13 feet. 13 feet x 2 = 26 feet . 27.25 feet - 26 feet = 1.25 feet. 1.25 feet / 2 = .625-feet. The tile length at the end walls is .625-feet or 7.5 inches.

4. Adjust the grid according to the calculated cut tile lengths. Measure a main beam from the first cross-tie slot toward the end for the room end cut tile length and mark the main beam for cutting. Mark and cut the first main beam for each run the same way.

5. Adjust the grid according to the calculated cut tile widths. At each end wall, measure from the left and right corners the distance of the side wall cut tile width and mark the end wall. This gives you the starting and ending points for the first main beam run. Use these marks to snap a chalk-line on the ceiling joists for placement of hangers.

Tags: feet feet, feet feet feet, tile length, main beam, round down, tile width