Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Make A Homemade Chandelier For A Party

Seize the opportunity to fashion a festive party chandelier.

Decorating for parties is an opportunity to show off your creative side. With a couple hours of your time and the help of a friend, you can construct a party chandelier that serves double duty as both decor and a conversation starter that can be used year round. This particular chandelier is reminiscent of rotating order holders found in diners. While you don't need an art degree to assemble it, the ability to hammer a nail and run a drill is to your advantage when putting together this project.


1. Purchase three pieces of 1-inch-wide, flexible wood trim. Cut the pieces into lengths of 36, 24 and 18 inches, using a skill saw. Dab construction adhesive onto both ends of the first piece, and clamp them together with a locking clamp to dry for one hour. Repeat this process with the other two pieces. The finished pieces form 18-inch, 12-inch and 9-inch hoops.

2. Place a 1-inch-long piece of molding inside each of the hoops, covering the seams. Hammer the molding over each seam with half-inch finish nails. In conjunction with the construction adhesive, the molding adds extra security to the hoops, ensuring that they remain connected. Set the hoops aside while constructing the rest of the chandelier.

3. PVC pipe forms the base of the chandelier.

Purchase a 21-inch-long, 1/2-inch-diameter PVC pipe -- you might have to cut a 24-inch precut pipe to size. Using an 18-volt drill and a twist drill bit, make two small holes on opposite sides at the top of the pipe.

4. Thread a 1-inch piece of craft wire through the holes, and tie the wire to one end of a split ring ball bearing swivel (found in the fishing-and-tackle section of your local sporting goods store).

5. Similar to the picture shown, the nut/bolt connectors have four arms as opposed to one.

Slide three half-inch, six-way nut/bolt connectors over the PVC rod.

6. Adhere the first connector six inches from the first with the construction adhesive. Similarly affix the other two connectors, leaving six inches of space between each consecutive connector.

7. Slip 1/2-inch-thick dowel rods into the openings of the connectors. Secure them to the insides of the openings with construction adhesive. From largest to smallest, with the largest being at the top, attach the hoops to the dowel rods. Hammer small finishing nails into the outer edge of the hoops into the ends of the dowel rods.

8. Paint the chandelier in the color of your choice, adding a second coat of paint if necessary. After the paint dries, hot glue several 3/4-inch binder clips around each hoop, leaving four inches of space between each.

9. Hang the mobile from a single eye hook above the center of your dining room table. Firmly press the eye hook into the ceiling, and make a few simple twists of your wrist until it is screwed in completely.

10. Write quotations, questions and other conversation starters in gel marker on 3-inch by 4-inch pieces of card stock. Place the cards in the binder clips on the chandelier. Use the cards as conversation starters during the party. After the party, hang more quotations and mementos from the chandelier, and put it to use until the next party.

Tags: construction adhesive, dowel rods, with construction, with construction adhesive, between each, binder clips