Friday, October 26, 2012

Remove A Popcorn Ceiling By Sanding

Remove a Popcorn Ceiling by Sanding

Popcorn ceilings are one of those unfortunate staple construction practices from the 1970s that many of today's homeowners are trying to get rid of. The process is not fun, clean, or easy, but with hard work and the right tools you can get it done and reclaim a sense of style in your home once more. Sanding is one method that can simplify the process for you, provided your ceilings do not have several applications of the popcorn texture.


1. Scrape a small amount of the texture into a plastic bag for testing (a local hardware store can point you to a local EPA-certified asbestos testing center) and wait until you receive the results. Call a certified asbestos remover if the tests are positive.

2. Remove all furniture from the room and turn off power via the circuit breaker in the home. Carefully detach any ceiling fans or light fixtures and place them elsewhere for the duration of the project.

3. Spread your plastic dropcloth over the entire floor, making sure it is taped 12 inches up the wall rather than just going to the edge of the floor. Cover all walls in the room up to the ceiling as well.

4. Put on your safety mask and some old clothes to deal with the dust. Take your power sander and begin to gently grind away the textured surface on the ceilings. When you see the original drywall paper that lies beneath the spray-on coating, stop and move to another section. Use the pole sander if your arms get tired from holding the power sander over your head.

5. Apply spackle to any damaged areas once the popcorn ceiling has been removed, and then paint however you like.

Tags: Ceiling Sanding, Popcorn Ceiling, Popcorn Ceiling Sanding, power sander, Remove Popcorn, Remove Popcorn Ceiling