Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Build A Bathroom Light Fixture

Hang your chandelier in front of a mirror for twice the light.

Choosing a lighting fixture for your bathroom can be an exasperating process. Since bathrooms are often humid and water may easily splash onto many surfaces, selecting a fixture with any exposed wiring may understandably make you nervous. But many people find that flush-mounted fixtures simply are not their taste, and they want something a bit fancier. You can build a small chandelier from inexpensive materials and use battery-powered lights to make it completely safe for the bathroom.


1. Work outdoors in nice weather. Set up a folding table or other flat surface that you would not mind having damaged. Spread newspaper over the surface, overlapping the sheets so that the entire area is covered.

2. Lay the Mardi Gras beads atop the newspaper. Open up the loops as far as you can and make sure none of the strands are touching. Paint all of the beads evenly with two layers of spray paint, waiting three hours between applications.

3. Turn each strand of beads over so that only the unpainted surfaces are exposed. Apply another two coats of spray paint just as you did on the first side, and let the final coat dry three hours. Use the same process to paint the metal fruit basket.

4. Examine each Mardi Gras necklace and find the two beads that are glued directly to each other on each necklace. Separate these two beads gently with your fingers so that each loop becomes a long strand. Twist a piece of floral wire twice around the connecting piece between the first two beads on one strand and attach this strand to the basket rim using the remaining ends of the wire.

5. Hold the loose end of the beads and give them slack until a drape forms and falls to the bottom edge of the fruit basket. Wire the beads to the basket edge at that point, to hold this drape in place. Continue this process all the way around the basket, hot-gluing a new strand to the end of the one you're working with as needed.

6. Wire the end of a new strand of beads and twist the tire around the upper ring of the fruit basket. Wrap the beads from the ring down around the basket rim and back as many times as you can and secure the other end to the rim with more wire. Continue all the way around the top of the chandelier.

7. Locate any excess wires or long ends and cut them off with jewelry snips. Spray paint the entire chandelier with one layer of paint and let it dry three to four hours. Fill the interior of the chandelier with twinkle lights on a battery-powered switch and hang the chandelier in your bathroom.

Tags: fruit basket, around basket, chandelier with, Mardi Gras, spray paint