Monday, December 31, 2012

Clean Painted Chrome

Cleaning painted chrome is different than cleaning chrome-plated metal parts. Painted chrome may be applied on soft plastic parts. The techniques used on chromed metal parts may actually harm the softer plastic parts. Learn clean painted chrome and keep it safe from flaking and peeling.


1. Rub the painted chrome area with bronze wool pads to remove heavy grime or buildup. The bronze material is softer than chrome and won't scratch it.

2. Wash the painted chrome with automotive car wash, water and a sponge. This cleans the chrome painted area and prepares it for chrome cleaner.

3. Apply a light coat of automotive chrome cleaner to the painted chrome part. Follow the directions on the package completely, but be careful to rub lightly.

4. Use a light coat of wax on the painted chrome part after all of the chrome cleaner has been removed. The wax coat protects the painted chrome from future buildup.

Tags: painted chrome, chrome cleaner, chrome part, light coat, metal parts