Monday, October 21, 2013

Types Of Residential Ceiling Tiles

The ceiling is more that a place to hang a light from. Ceiling tiles are an important element in the design of a room. The days of just having plain white squares are gone, although these are still available if you want them. You can choose ceiling tiles to match other features in the room, to match the period of the house or make an older house look and feel more modern.

Acoustical Ceiling Tile

Acoustical ceiling tile helps soundproof a room. It is good for a music room or playroom. It is also good in multifamily homes, where you want to give each tenant as quite a place as possible. There are different levels of soundproofing, depending on the material used. Be sure to ask just how soundproof a given acoustical ceiling tile is.

Tin Ceiling Tile

Tin ceiling tile can come in individual tiles or in rolls, with the designed embossed on the surface. Tin ceilings are not always made of tin. Other materials include brass, steel and copper. Tin ceilings go back to Victorian residences when ceilings were high, and tin was a welcome fuel conserver because it reflected heat back into the room. This makes tin ceilings an early form of eco-friendly ceiling tiles.

Suspended Ceilings

Use suspended ceilings when you want to lower a high ceiling. The tiles are suspended on wire grids at any height you wish. They come in a wide variety of materials, including metal, mirror, tin and wood. Once the grid is installed, the tiles just slip into place. The tiles are easy to replace; if sometime down the road you want to change the style, it is as easy as pushing one out and putting the new one in.

Plastic Ceiling Tile

Plastic ceiling tile will give your home extra insulation and save on the energy bill. Plastic ceiling tiles have the look of tin ceiling tiles, but they are much lighter. They also come in a variety of designs from classical Victorian to modern. And they can come with the best fire-resistance rating, and they're easy to paint.

Cork Ceiling Tile

Cork is fast becoming one of the most popular eco-friendly materials for a variety of products and reasons. Cork is lightweight, resistant to rot, and fire resistant when left natural. Cork ceiling tiles come in a wide choice of styles and colors suitable for most homes, and they can come unfinished or with a wax finish. If you wish, you can paint them to complement your decor. Cork is low maintenance, easy to install and comes in a choice of thicknesses.

Tags: ceiling tiles, ceiling tile, come wide