Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cut A Hole In Suspended Ceiling Tiles For Recessed Lighting

Recessed lighting is very popular because it provides a room with light without being visually obtrusive. The bulk of the light fixture is above the ceiling's surface. If you are installing recessed lighting in a room with a drop ceiling, you will need to cut the ceiling tile to accommodate the lighting fixture. Whether the fixture is round or square, you can easily cut a hole in a standard ceiling tile with a moderate amount of effort using a straightforward procedure.


1. Remove the ceiling tile from the grid by pushing it up and turning it, then sliding it through the grid slightly vertical.

2. Lay the ceiling tile on a hard, flat surface with the finish side on top.

3. Center the fixture on the ceiling tile with the light part of the fixture setting on the tile the way it will be positioned when it is installed.

4. Trace completely around the fixture with a pencil.

5. Score the pencil marking on the ceiling tile using a utility knife. Make several more passes with the knife until you have cut through the tile completely. Take your time and ensure that you keep the knife on the lines you drew.

Tags: ceiling tile, ceiling tile with, room with, tile with, with light