Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Paint Basement Ceiling Joists White

Painting requires adequate preparation.

The bare wood of basement ceiling joists can make the space feel unfinished. Painting the ceiling joists white can make the room seem both lighter and cleaner in an area that's typically dark. Plan to paint the rest of your basement ceiling white at the same time to quickly complete this project.


1. Prepare the basement for painting. Remove all furniture, cover the entire floor with a drop cloth and cover all lighting fixtures with painter's tape and newspaper.

2. Clean the ceiling joists and ceiling with a mild solution of soap and water to remove any dust and grime, as this can prevent the paint from properly adhering.

3. Fill the airless sprayer with white primer and apply a layer to the ceiling joists and ceiling. Start at one end of the joist and work your way to the other, filling in any bare areas as you go along. Move the sprayer in a gentle back-and-forth motion.

4. Allow the primer to dry based on the amount of time recommended on your specific brand.

5. Fill the airless sprayer with white ceiling paint and apply using the same method as the primer.

Tags: ceiling joists, airless sprayer, airless sprayer with, basement ceiling, ceiling joists ceiling