Thursday, September 10, 2009

Duck Bathroom Ideas

Ducks are a popular pick for children's bathroom decor.

Recently, a new rubber duck trend has developed, spawning alter-ego-type ducks. Everything from evil to fiesta ducks has been created. Because of their bold, cheerful look and popularity, the classic yellow ducks are a popular theme for fun bathroom decor.

Seeing Ducks

Many bathroom accessories to complement rubber duck themes are available. Everything from floor tiles and wallpaper to toothbrush holders and curtain hooks can be found. The major point to bear in mind when searching for duck items is how much duck-ness you really want.

If the bathroom being designed is for an adult or teen, the ducks may be best kept to smaller accessories, used sparingly or only in discreet sizes. Some examples of these types of items include duck switch plates or subtle duck print wallpaper.

If the bathroom is for a baby or young child, ducks can be used in more creative and bold ways, such as on a wall or ceiling mural.


Yellow, of course, is a color that is commonly used in duck-themed decor. Rubber ducks are most commonly created in a bold shade of the color. This can be tiring and disturbing to the eye if not used sparingly. Softer shades of yellow such as cream, flax or maize yellow are viable alternatives.

For those who want to use different colors, a soft blue can add an airiness as well as a fitting background for a duck pattern. The ever-flexible white can add sophistication and spaciousness to any bathroom.

Bring in the Ducks

For the true rubber duck aficionado, collecting ducks is only natural. Many easy-to-install shelving units made specifically for bathrooms are widely available and are just the right size to display a row of ducks. The shelves can be placed by the shower or tub or beside a window.

Tags: rubber duck, bathroom decor, Everything from, used sparingly