Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Unusual Basement Ceiling Ideas

Unusual Basement Ceiling Ideas

Basement ceilings are often left bare, ugly or remain as an afterthought, even when a basement is finished. Consider outfitting it with a number of unusual basement ceiling covers and ideas. Tiles usually work best for the basement, since they can be easily replaced and removed if you need to get to wiring, plumbing or other items on the basement ceiling.

Tin Tiles

Basement ceiling tiles may not seem like an unusual option at all, but they can be if you jazz them up a bit. Rather than opting for the standard white tiles, choose a material and color that makes the basement come alive. Tin ceiling tiles can be left natural or painted to match the decor. They are also available with stenciling, designs and borders. Tin can be treated to stave off rust and they will not rot. If cost is a factor, try perusing through your local salvage yard or used building materials store, where tin tiles may be available at a drastically reduced cost.


Basements can appear larger and brighter if you outfit the ceiling with mirrors. You can use mirrored tiles to quickly upgrade the basement by choosing a style that is easily installed as a regular tile would be. Mirrors come plain or with fancy scrolls and other designs reminiscent of the kitschy 1970s decor. You can also use pieces of mirrors or smaller mirrors attached to solid-colored tiles for a creative, mosaic-type look. Glue mirrors into place with a waterproof epoxy and treat each tile as its own creation.


A basement ceiling can become an unusual and breathtaking focal point if you deck it out with art. Just as small mirrors can be used to make individual mosaics on each ceiling tile, you can also use small pieces of colored glass, broken ceramic, decorative tile or any other non-porous materials to create mosaics on the tiles and even along the grid work that holds the tile in place. Plain ceiling tiles can also be painted to create individual designs or an overall design that works as a whole when all the ceiling tiles are in place.


A fabric covering is a very easy and unusual way to spruce up a basement ceiling. You can choose one type of fabric or use several different types. Two ways to use fabric are to either glue the fabric on top of inexpensive tiles, creating a patchwork pattern, or draping the fabric from the ceiling supports. Use wire, nails, screws or whatever works with your particular ceiling support to attach the fabric's corners in one area, and then artfully drape it as desired. Attach other areas with the same type of fastener. Fabric is easy to remove and replace if you need to access anything it covers.


Consider using more than one type of tile. Perhaps you want a tin tile border that outlines a central piece of artwork. Maybe you'd like mosaic in the four corners and around the center. You can also create a checkerboard pattern using two alternating tile colors or types. Perhaps a strip of tiled mirrors down the center of the ceiling is all you need to add a bit of creativity.


Another interesting basement ceiling option is beadboard. Beadboard, also known as plank paneling, is a paneling that is sold in small strips with a distinctive beading pattern along each side. When placed next to each other, these strips make an eye-catching display. Beadboard can easily be painted any color to enhance the basement decor. One caveat, is a fully beadboard ceiling will be difficult to take apart if you need to access any pipes or electrical materials above the ceiling.

Tags: basement ceiling, Basement Ceiling, Basement Ceiling Ideas, Ceiling Ideas, ceiling tiles