Friday, November 27, 2009

Clean Dust Off Of Ceiling Vents

Few things are more satisfying than a sparkling clean house, but most people stop at the top of the tallest piece of furniture. Ceiling vents are great dust collectors, and in the kitchen they can also attract grease. To get the dust off of your ceiling vents so that your heater and air conditioning aren't simply blowing irritants back into your home, follow these simple tips. They are arranged from the lightest cleaning to the most intensive.


1. The simplest method is to use a vacuum cleaner with the extension and brush attachment to suck the dust off of your ceiling vents. Tape the brush attachment to the extension with duct tape so that it doesn't get knocked off when you are cleaning the vent.

2. For a more thorough cleaning, put on your goggles and dust mask and use a broom to clean the dust off of the vents, then sweep it up from the floor.

3. The most labor-intensive method is to climb a ladder so you can reach the ceiling vents and use a screwdriver to remove the vents. Make sure you keep the screws in a safe place.

4. Wash the vents thoroughly with the de-greaser and hot water. Dish soap works for mild dust; use TSP or Mr. Clean for kitchen grease. When they are clean, dry the vents completely, and replace them.

Tags: ceiling vents, brush attachment, dust your, dust your ceiling, your ceiling, your ceiling vents