Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make A Chandelier Lamp

You can bring the quiet elegance of a chandelier to tabletop lighting designs without breaking the bank. A chandelier lamp features the pendulous, dangling crystals of a large chandelier instead of a traditional lamp shade. These lamps can be expensive to purchase, but you can make one using a simple, inexpensive lamp shade and a few supplies that are available at most craft stores.


1. Remove the paper shade from the frame of the lamp shade. This will leave the center apparatus that attaches to the lamp with the top loop still intact. The bottom loop, which is no longer needed, can be discarded.

2. Pass a 12-inch length of fishing line through a bead. Tie the line in a knot around the bead and place a dab of hot glue on the knot to keep it secure. Continue to thread clear beads onto the line, catching the tail of the line by the knot inside the first few beads to disguise it. Thread the beads until two inches of line are left.

3. Tie the line onto the lamp shade's top wire hoop and secure the knot with a dab of hot glue. Trim the excess line. Continue stringing and hanging the beaded lines until the entire hoop is covered in dangles.

4. Use hot glue to affix beads around the outside perimeter of the hoop. This will add a decorative finish while disguising the hoop and knotted fishing line.

5. Place the shade on the lamp. Ensure that the beads do not touch the light bulb inside the lamp, then turn it on and enjoy the ambience.

Tags: lamp shade, fishing line, line knot, This will