Monday, November 30, 2009

Spray A Popcorn Ceiling With Textured Paint

Adding texture to a popcorn ceiling may give it a new look.

Removing popcorn ceilings is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Spraying texture over the popcorn is an easy way to change the look of a room. Though the job is messy, the simplest way to spray a popcorn ceiling with textured paint is to use a texture gun. Plan to practice before you start on the ceiling. Use a texture gun with an air compressor for a large job such as a ceiling. They can be purchased or rented at home improvement stores.


1. Wash the ceiling with a heavy-duty detergent such as trisodium phosphate (TSP) if it's dirty. Use a sponge mop or wash it by hand. Brush down cobwebs and dust. Caulk large cracks. Smaller cracks will be covered by the texture so they don't need to be caulked.

2. Cover the floor and furniture with drop cloths. Tape off the windows and tape brown Kraft paper around the walls where they meet the ceiling. This prevents over-spray from getting on the walls.

3. Mix texture compound according to the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture. Lumps can clog the texture gun. Some textures come premixed, but they can be expensive to use on an entire ceiling.

4. Add the mixture to the hopper on the texture gun. Practice your technique on a scrap piece of cardboard or Sheetrock. Adjust the air pressure and the trigger sensitivity until the mixture comes out at your desired consistency.

5. Hold the texture gun about 4 feet from the ceiling as you work. Use a sweeping back and forth motion to spray the texture onto the ceiling.

6. Stop occasionally to check for places you've missed or areas where the texture is lumpy. Use a putty knife to scrape down thick areas.

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