Thursday, November 19, 2009

Install A Light In An Emerson Ceiling Fan

Lighting kits like this one can be installed on existing ceiling fans.

Emerson is one of the biggest names in ceiling fans and home lighting, and offers many options for fan and light combinations. Whether assembling a new fan with a light or adding a lighting kit to an existing ceiling fan, knowing the right way to install the kit is crucial to success.


1. Turn off electricity to the fan before you begin work by flipping the circuit breaker for the area where the fan is located. Circuit breakers are generally in a wall panel near the center or basement of the home and are usually labeled.

2. Unscrew the lighting plate at the center of the ceiling fan. Several wires will be exposed - black, white and in some kits green.

3. Connect the wires from the lighting kit to the matching color wires in the ceiling fan. Many fans come with plug connectors that plug the wires together. If the fan has only bare wires and the light kit has plug connectors, cut the connectors off the tips of the light kit wires and strip off a few inches of the insulation using wire strippers. Then place the bare wires alongside each other, pressing them into the twist-on wire connector and twisting the connector clockwise while holding the wires firmly together.

4. Hold the wired lighting kit in place against the center of the ceiling fan and screw it into place.

5. Install any globes or light shades that came with the kit. These are generally installed by screwing them into place or tightening screws at their base over the kit's light sockets.

6. Install light bulbs in the light sockets.

7. Flip the circuit breaker back on so electricity runs to the ceiling fan.

Tags: bare wires, ceiling fans, center ceiling, circuit breaker, existing ceiling, into place