Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mix Different Metals In Finishes For Bathroom Faucets & Lighting

Mixing metal fixtures in the bathroom creates a more dynamic look.

If you throw open the door of the average American bathroom, you're likely to see that the towel bars, faucet, cabinet and drawer knobs, and light fixtures all consist of the exact same material. This is a safe design choice, but it's not the only one. Open up an interior decor magazine and you'll see that designers mix and match metal finishes in the bathroom with bold abandon, and these rooms look great. There's no reason why you can't do that too.


1. Select two or four or more metal finishes that you'd like to incorporate in the bathroom. The strongest decision is to either showcase two alternating metal finishes or an array.

2. Bring samples of your chosen metal finishes home. Check to ensure that your metal finishes complement or enhance your existing color scheme and style. For example, if you have a very modern and sleek bathroom, chrome or polished silver fixtures for faucets and lighting will blend in effortlessly. However, if you throw in an antique copper sink knob, that knob will stick out like a sore thumb, rather than adding to the array of metal finishes.

3. Match the metal fixtures of the sink to the metal frame of the vanity mirror or the general color tones of the vanity mirror. This will create a general sense of harmony. For example, if the mirror has a copper frame or just warm tones, consider using gold-plated or -toned faucets.

4. Select light fixtures that contrast the metal in the sink faucets. This way, they'll also be directly contrasting the metal in the mirror, which will allow them to stand out even more.

Tags: metal finishes, light fixtures, metal fixtures, vanity mirror