Thursday, January 14, 2010

Secure A Floor Lamp To Its Base

Securing a floor lamp to its base prevents it from falling over.

Floor lamps double as both a source of light for the room and a decorative artifact that contributes to the room's overall aesthetic. Floor lamps generally do not require much maintenance aside from occasionally changing the bulb when it goes out, but occasionally a lamp can come loose from its base. Once this starts happening on a regular basis, you may wish to secure the lamp so it doesn't require constant adjustment. Securing a floor lamp to the base just requires the proper tools.


1. Unplug the lamp and remove the shade to give yourself access to the bulb and eliminate the risk of electric shock.

2. Remove the bulb and lay the lamp down on its side so you have access to the bottom of the base. Feel the lamp to determine if it is completely straight. If a multi-piece lamp is not aligned correctly, the misalignment could cause the base to not fit on tightly.

3. Twist the body of the lamp deeper into the base if the base screws on.

4. Tighten the bolt, if your lamp has one, at the bottom of the base with your fingers, and then tighten it further with a wrench.

5. Screw in the center screw, if your lamp base has a screw instead of a bolt, and tighten it down as far as you can. This should lock the lamp back into the base if it is properly aligned.

6. Lift the lamp back onto its base and reinsert the light bulb. Replace the shade and plug the lamp back in.

Tags: lamp back, lamp base, bottom base, floor lamp, floor lamp base