Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Transform A Bathroom Into A Spa

Transform a Bathroom Into a Spa

Wouldn't it be wonderful to relax in a spa every day or when the mood hits? However, who has the time or money to go to a spa everyday? Well, you can now by transforming your bathroom at home into your personal spa. Create your own exclusive retreat to escape from the stress of your day.


1. Change the color of your bathroom walls to a more calming and soothing color. Pastel colors, pale colors and cool colors give a calming effect.

2. Connect a dimmer light control switch to your bathroom lights. Dimmer light controls save energy and add a relaxed atmosphere for your spa bathroom retreat.

3. Place sculptured micro fiber bath rugs on your bathroom floor.

4. Place aromatherapy candles on your bathroom counter and tub. Put the candles on stone or glass candle holders. For the candles that will be sitting on your bathroom counter, place a silk cluster of soft colored flowers between the candles.

5. Replace your towels with soft, high-quality cotton towels or cotton Egyptian towels that match the color of your bathroom floor rugs. Purchase a small-decorated basket and place several cotton hand towels inside the basket. For a hit of color, sprinkle red satin rose petals on the towels. Place the basket on your bathroom counter.

6. Place a mixture of scented soaps, oils, pumice brushes, eye mask, bath pillows, face and foot scrubs inside a wicker basket and place the basket on your bathroom counter. If you do not have enough counter space, place the basket on your toilet tank cover or purchase a small round table, drape a small tablecloth on it and place the basket on top.

Tags: your bathroom, bathroom counter, your bathroom counter, basket your, place basket, basket place