Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Glue Ceiling Tiles To Popcorn Ceilings

A popcorn textured ceiling helps to break up a dull drab flat ceiling surface, as well as covering up drywall problems that can occur during installation. It's an attractive choice for many homeowners, however sometimes a change is called for. Removing the popcorn texture to make the change can be a long and messy process, complicating any project more involved than repainting the texture. There is an alternative to removing the texture though, allowing you to achieve the new look your desire by simply placing a layer of ceiling tiles right over the popcorn texture.


1. Remove any loose popcorn texture present on the ceiling using a broom.

2. Turn off the breakers to turn off the supply of electricity to the room you're installing the ceiling tiles in.

3. Remove all lights and other fixtures in your ceiling using the screwdrivers.

4. Find the center of the room by measuring each wall and dividing the measurement by 2. Place a mark at the dividing points.

5. Chalk a line between opposing walls at the center points. To chalk a line, run the chalk string between opposing walls at the marks, pull slightly on the string and release it, snapping it against the ceiling surface and leaving a straight chalk line neatly dividing the room in half. Do this with both opposing walls, forming a cross at the room's ceiling.

6. Apply the ceramic tile adhesive using the putty knife to the rear of the tiles. Place the adhesive using a series of small dabs of the substance covering the tile surface.

7. Place the first tile onto the ceiling using as a guide one of the angles formed where the center lines meet. Press it to the ceiling firmly, making sure that all portions of the tile are gripping the ceiling well.

8. Continue to install tiles, lining them up with the first tile placed as close as possible, working from the center of the room to the edge. For areas where fixtures were in place, cut through the applied tiles using a utility knife to uncover the hole. Continue with the installation until all of the full tiles are placed, and only gaps for partial tiles remain.

9. Measure each gap for partial tile placements with the measuring tape. Measure the gap where the edges of the tiles will be placed, measuring from the moulding to the full tile. Cut the tiles according to the measurements, using the straight edge to create a smoothly cut line. Check the fit of the partial tile without the adhesive, making adjustments if necessary. If the fit is correct, then install the cut tiles to the partial tile gaps.

10. Apply caulking to the joints between installed tiles if placing them in a moisture rich area.

Tags: ceiling using, opposing walls, partial tile, popcorn texture, adhesive using