Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Role Of Lighting In Modern Theater

Stage lights can create an intimate, spooky or cheerful mood.

Lighting's primary role in theater is to ensure visibility of the performers. Technological advances allow modern lighting to take on a larger role in the performance, often supplementing or replacing scenery. The exact role varies by performance.

Pulling Focus

Thanks to highly specialized lighting control, theater lighting personnel can choose specific areas to illuminate while leaving others dim. This controls the audience's attention, focusing it where the director wants it.


Shadows allow us to perceive depth, so one role of lighting in modern theater is to aim lights in a way that creates the right kind of shadows to enhance three-dimensional shaping. This is primarily used in dance, where low side lighting curves around dancers' bodies, casting highlights and shadows.

Scenic Elements

Lighting can establish scenic elements such as trees and windows by projecting shadows of these objects onto the stage. The shadows are cast by metal or glass patterns placed inside the light. Other designers use full-color projections of background scenes or moving effects that mimic firelight or rain.

Mood Setting

The overall tone of light creates a mood. Comedies use bright light to create a warm, jovial atmosphere. Mysteries may use cool light and shadows for a creepy effect.
