Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why Is My False Aralia Dropping Leaves

The false aralia (Dizygotheca elegantissima) is a member of the Araliaceae family. This tropical plant is relatively an easy plant to grow, but it does need proper care. Older leaves will fall from the plants, but if the leaves that are dropping from the plant are not older ones, it could be one or more problems with the plant's care or environment.

New Location

Moving a false aralia to a new location can shock the plant. When this happens, the plant can suffer from leaf drop. This plant is sensitive to its surroundings. If you move the plant from the indirect lighting from a western window to an eastern window, the amount of light and the heat intensity is different. If you must move a plant, do it gradually to prevent extensive leaf drop. If you purchase a plant at a nursery, expect to have some leaf drop until the plant becomes established in its new environment.

Temperature and Humidity

Plants like high humidity, but will tolerate low humidity that you generally find in homes and offices. If the plant is dropping leaves, it could be that the humidity is too low. Place a drainage tray filled with gravel underneath the container to catch excess water runoff after each watering to provide humidity around the false aralia. Plants will drop leaves when the temperature is less than 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the plants away from heating and cooling vents or doors that let in cold drafts.


Too much water or too little water will cause the plant to suffer from leaf drop. The top 2 or 3 inches of soil should be dry before watering the plant. If the soil stays wet all the time, the plant will suffer and lose leaves. If you allow the soil to dry out and stay dry for days without water, the plant will drop its leaves.


False aralia plants have a poor tolerance to salt. Excess salt can come from overfertilizing the plant or from watering the plant with soft water. If the plant suffers from leaf drop and other possibilities are ruled out, check the top of the soil for a crusty white substance, which will be a salt buildup. Repot the plant and reduce the fertilizing schedule in half.

Tags: leaf drop, from leaf, from leaf drop, drop leaves, false aralia, move plant