Thursday, July 9, 2009

Install Marble Ceiling Tile

The marble so elegant on walls and floors also lights up ceilings.

Whether it's a bathroom, kitchen or formal dining room, adding marble tiles to the ceiling adds a touch of color and elegance not found in other natural stone materials. The variety of marble colors along with the texture inherent in the stone make it easy to find a marble to complement the decor of any room. Marble is durable, requiring only a little cleaning to maintain the same appearance as the day you installed it. Heavier than most tile types, marble requires a few different installation techniques -- differences that can increase the time involved. But the results can be spectacular, serving as a decorative focal point.


1. Measure the length of each wall and place a mark in the wall's center on the edge of the ceiling. Connect opposing marks by tacking one end of a chalk line onto one mark and stringing the chalk line across the room to the opposite mark. Holding the second end in place, pull back slightly on the line and release it against the ceiling to create a straight line across the center of the room. Repeat the process with the other two marks, resulting in a cross in the ceiling marking its exact center.

2. Mix a batch of thinset mortar in a large bucket with an electric drill and paddle bit. Apply the thinset to the ceiling with the flat of a trowel, covering enough space to place the first marble tile. Use the angle formed by the two crossing chalk lines as a guide for the tile edges. Tilt the trowel to a 45-degree angle and go over the thinset with the notched edge to raise ridges in the thinset that will provide even coverage on the tile. Apply a thin layer of the thinset to the tile back, spreading it completely across the surface.

3. Place the marble tile onto the ceiling along the chalk lines. Press upwards firmly on the tile face while twisting it slightly into position, to ensure that it's well gripped by the mortar. Repeat the process for the remaining tiles until you've completed covering the ceiling space intended. If covering the ceiling to a wall edge, leave a 1/8-inch gap between the tile and the wall to allow for expansion of the surface due to temperature changes. Place a piece of painters' tape over the tile to hold it in place as it sets. Allow the tile to sit for 24 hours before grouting.

4. Cut the marble tiles for partial tile placement at the edges of the ceiling using a wet saw. Mark a line on the tile where you need to cut using a grease pencil. Place the tile onto the cutting platform of the wet saw, with the cutting line aligned with the saw blade. Wet the surface of the tile and start the water running down the saw blade. Push the tile gently against the saw blade, cutting through the tile completely. Butter the back of the tile with thinset and place onto the ceiling, using the same process as the full tile types.

5. Apply grout to the joints between the tiles to protect the surface under the tiles from moisture damage, as well as to keep moisture from affecting the layer of mortar bonding the tile to your ceiling. Mix the mortar with the drill and paddle bit in a large bucket following the manufacturer's instructions. Spread the grout over the tiles and into the joints using a grout float. Fill the joints completely with grout. Remove excess grout from the tile surfaces with a damp sponge within 15 minutes of grout application. Wait two hours and go over the surface of the tiles again with a clean lint-free cloth to remove any grout residue. Allow the grout to set for the length of time specified by the manufacturer.

Tags: ceiling using, chalk line, chalk lines, covering ceiling, drill paddle, large bucket, line across