Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Get Rid Of Water Stains On Ceiling Tiles

Stains are not an uncommon sight on ceilings.

Ceilings can make a room appear taller or shorter than it actually is. Even though a ceiling is not typically the first thing guests notice when they enter a room, it can still affect the appearance of the area. Over the years, it is not uncommon for a leaky roof to leave water stains on ceiling tiles. These stains generally present themselves as a brownish discoloration and normal washing does little to budge them.


1. Remove objects from the room or protect them with a drop cloth. The cleaning solution for the tiles can damage or discolor surfaces. Removing the items or covering them with a cloth will keep the solution from ruining the items.

2. Pour 2 gallons of cool water in a 5-gallon bucket. Add 1 1/2 cup of bleach and stir with a spoon. Oxygen bleach is a safer option for chlorine bleach, and will not discolor or damage surfaces like chlorine will.

3. Secure an extension handle to the end of a clean paint roller. Pour the cleaning solution carefully into a plastic paint tray. Roll the paint roller into the cleaning solution until damp.

4. Apply the cleaning solution to the water stains in the same manner as you would if you were painting the ceiling tiles. Let the solution sit on the ceiling tiles for 15 minutes before rinsing the bleach solution off the tiles with cool water.

5. Let the ceiling tiles air dry. Consider painting the ceiling tiles if the water stains remain.

Tags: ceiling tiles, cleaning solution, water stains, cool water, paint roller, painting ceiling, painting ceiling tiles