Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Redecorate Over Paneling Walls

Wood paneling can sometimes make a room look dreary so redecorating is often preferred.

Paneling can give rooms a woodsy, rustic charm, but it can also look old fashioned or darken a room, making it seem dreary. While the ideal scenario would be to remove the paneling, you may not know the condition of the wall underneath it. The wall could have a host of problems including cracks or lack of finish. Thus, it's safest to redecorate on top of the wall paneling.


1. Mix one-quarter cup all purpose cleanser in a bucket with one gallon of water. Wash the walls thoroughly with the solution and a sponge. Rinse off the walls and allow them to dry thoroughly.

2. Apply spackle to the ridges of the paneling with a putty knife and allow it to dry. Sand the spackle down to a smooth surface with 100-grit sandpaper.

3. Prime the surface with latex primer and two coats of latex paint with a paint roller. Allow the paint to dry between coats.

4. For a look that's bolder than paint, wallpaper over the paneling. Apply wallpaper paste to the back of the wallpaper and position it in place, starting on one edge and working your way to the other side of the wall.

5. If you prefer to leave the paneling, choose decorations to liven up the wall. Hang a framed mirror or large piece of art in the center of the paneling. A mirror will reflect the light in the room and a bright piece of art will add a splash of color or design. Alternatively, consider hanging a tapestry or ornamental piece of wrought iron. whatever pieces you choose, they shouldn't take up more than 1/3 of the whole wall.

6. Install track or recessed lighting in the ceiling above the walls. This will add an overall sense of brightness to the room.

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