Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paint Over Paneling

Paint paneling to liven up the room.

Removing paneling is easy. Fixing the wall behind it is not so easy -- the glue must be removed, the nail holes filled and the walls repaired. Chances are the wall may have not been in good condition to begin with, hence the paneling. Fortunately, painting paneling is not so difficult and, over the course of a couple days, you can transform a dark, paneled room into a bright, cheerful space.


1. Clean the paneling with trisodium phosphate (TSP) using a clean rag. Use according to manufacturer directions and rinse with a clean, wet rag unless the TSP is a no-rinse formula.

2. Sand the paneling lightly with 220-grit sandpaper to remove the gloss so the paint will adhere to the paneling. Vacuum the dust and wipe the paneling clean with a wet rag.

3. Apply a liquid deglosser, available in home improvement centers, as an alternative to sanding. Use as indicated on the label and apply the deglosser with a rag and let it soak for the prescribed amount of time as written on the label. Typically, you must apply the primer within an hour of applying the liquid deglosser --- degloss and then prime one section of the wall at a time until you have deglossed and primed your entire room.

4. Apply a primer. If your paneling is real wood, use an oil-based primer, otherwise, a water-based primer is fine. Apply primer with a 3/8-inch nap roller so it adheres inside the grooves of the paneling. If rolling does not apply paint into the grooves, use a 2-inch nylon paint brush and paint at an angle along the groove lines. Also, use the brush to cut in along the edges and corners. Then roll the rest of the wall with the nap roller. Let the primer dry according to manufacturer directions before applying the paint.

5. Paint a latex paint over the primer. Again, use a 3/8-inch nap roller and 2-inch nylon paint brush painting in a similar manner as painting on the primer. Paint a second coat after the first coat dries, per label instructions.

Tags: 2-inch nylon, 2-inch nylon paint, 8-inch roller, according manufacturer, according manufacturer directions