Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bathroom Light Fixture Work

How Does a Bathroom Light Fixture Work?

Bathroom Lighting

Lighting for every room should be well thought out and planned to enable the room to provide for the functionality it was intended for. Bathrooms are no different. Women put on their make-up, men shave and little ones want to see the space where the tooth was that just fell out. Everyone wants to be able to read which bottle is the shampoo and which is the conditioner when they are in the shower. Lighting that causes shadows and ambiance in the living room may be dramatic or romantic, but in the bathroom, shadows can be disastrous. It's difficult to shave off the 5 o'clock shadow when you're standing in front of the light and causing a 24-hour shadow. Well-positioned lighting in the bathroom can make for much happier and better groomed people.


You want your bathroom lighting to be functional yet stylish and comfortable. Most bathrooms require more than one type of lighting to make it function properly. Recessed lighting is a great way to light up the shower area without being dangerous. An overhead light is great for lighting the entire room and just plain seeing your way around. A low wattage wall sconce is a nice touch for night lighting, so there's no need to completely wake yourself up on those quick trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Vanity lighting is the necessary lighting for around the mirror, for close up viewing. Larger bathrooms may even use a lamp off in a corner on a table. It all sounds pretty easy, but take one trip to a lighting store and you'll see these are not easy choices. There are just tons of lighting fixtures and no matter what your décor; you will find many that will match. This is an area where you will want to take your time and choose fixtures that will still be in style and match the décor next year and after. Fixtures can be expensive, and you don't want to be changing them every couple of years.

How Does It Work

Ceiling lights should be able to light up the entire room with a bright light. There are some beautiful chandeliers and hanging lights that look great but don't allow for bulbs that give off much light. Save that type for the dining room and choose a fixture that can handle high wattage bulbs. Vanity lights come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Over the mirror or directly on the sides will give you the best lighting for putting on makeup and shaving. Track lighting is good for this area too, because all of the lights can be moved and angled until you get the lighting that you're looking for. They also can take high or low wattage bulbs. Fluorescent lights can be found in many designs and provide a great light for vanity lighting; however, many find the light to be too bright. The point of the vanity light is to provide the light from the front so that you are not standing in front of it causing shadows. It will only work for you if it is free of too much decoration and can provide the light straight to your face. Lighting for the shower needs to be bright enough to read the shampoo bottle and see to shave your legs. Even when you have a great general light in the bathroom, it gets hidden behind the shower curtain. There are many light fixtures for the shower including recessed and wall fixtures. Most of them will accommodate a bulb bright enough to provide functionality in the shower. For the lighting to work well, they should all be wired separately to different switches. A small wall sconce for night lighting really doesn't need a switch at all. It can remain on all the time with a low wattage bulb.

Tags: Bathroom Light, Bathroom Light Fixture, bright enough, entire room, Fixture Work